Basement, Turnstile, Defeater, Colleen Green

This event is in the past
Wed., April 13, 6 p.m. 2016
720 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (formerly the Analog Theater) Hosford-Abernethy (Portland)
Following the success of her 2015 full-length, I Want to Grow Up, Colleen Green is getting ready to release a brand-new, self-titled EP this May as part of Nashville label Infinity Cat's Cassette Series. Green's dark, lo-fi bubblegum pop sounds like she's getting high on the Ramones' rock 'n' roll grave. Her songs usually feature a simple drum machine beat, a sludgy, chugging riff (often borrowed from the Ramones), and her subdued vocals. On the new EP, Green continues to follow this formula, her signature style revealing micro-nuances that initially might seem repetitive. "Here It Comes" is the release's standout—Green sets her drum machine to overdrive and unleashes a chorus of "oohs" and "ahs" as she sings about waiting for her bus. CIARA DOLAN

Event Location

720 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (formerly the Analog Theater)

720 SE Hawthorne Portland, Oregon 97214 Venue website

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