Holy Grove, Demon Eye, Disenchanter

This event is in the past
Fri., April 15, 9 p.m. 2016
High Water Mark Woodlawn (Portland)
Holy Grove takes all the evil things from classic metal, doom, and blues and transforms them into a hulking beast—and that's just the rhythm section. Vocalist Andrea Vidal sings with power and precision, and guitarist Trent Jacobs unleashes riffs that are sludgy yet dexterous. Holy Grove doesn't just hang out in the tempo of doom—they mix up speeds and play with dynamics à la Candlemass. Tonight the band celebrates the release their self-titled debut, a taut seven tracks that Holy Grove has been bashing out live for the past couple of years. The new record strikes the perfect balance of heavy and approachable, but contains enough dark mysticism to entice the truly evil ones. Sounds like the making of a classic. MARK LORE

Event Location

High Water Mark

6800 NE Martin Luther King Jr Portland, Oregon 97232

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