illuminati hotties

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Tuesday, October 1, 8 pm
Mississippi Studios Boise (Portland)
Even if you haven’t heard indie rock luminary Sarah Tudzin’s name, you’ve probably heard her work. She’s an in-demand producer, mixer, audio engineer, and, since 2018, performer under the stage name Illuminati Hotties. But her meteoric rise in the industry started three years ago. In 2021, she released her third album, Let Me Do One More, on her own Hopeless Records imprint, to critical acclaim. Then she worked on boygenius’ the record and Weyes Blood’s Titanic Rising—arguably two of the most beautiful-sounding records of the last decade—and earlier this year, she won her first Grammy for her work with boygenius. It feels like her talent is finally on full display, and her knack for sonic perfection is clear on her fourth release, POWER, which she described as “all rippers” and “no filler.” She will support the album alongside fellow rock artists Maddie Ross and Daffo. by Audrey Vann
On Sale Friday, May 3, 2024 at 10 am.


Event Location

Mississippi Studios

3939 N Mississippi Portland, OR 97227 Venue website

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