Made with Love: 45 Years of Ikoi no Kai

Recommended Don't Miss
Multiple dates through January 5, 2025, various times
Japanese American Museum of Oregon Old Town-Chinatown (Portland)
$5 - $8
All Ages
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For 45 years, Portlanders have ducked into the basement of Epworth United Methodist Church, just north of the Hawthorne Safeway, for Ikoi no Kai, a public, by-reservation lunch program serving up Japanese and pan-Asian cuisine. Exemplifying the concept of keirō 敬老, or respect for elders, Ikoi no Kai is volunteer-helmed and includes more than just food—attendees sing songs, play games, and pluck kotos. Made with Love: 45 Years of Ikoi no Kai honors the history of the city's lesser-known dining experience with text elements, artifacts, a video installation, and cute dumpling sculptures displayed in the museum's window. by Lindsay Costello

Event Location

Japanese American Museum of Oregon

411 NW Flanders St. Portland, OR 97209 Venue website

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