Science Pub Portland: Where Do Ethics Belong in AI?
This event is in the past
Tuesday, October 1, 7–9 pm
Empirical Theater at OMSI
Hosford-Abernethy (Portland)
$5 suggested donation
All Ages
The following description comes from the event organizer.
The camera on-board a self-driving car switches to a power-saving mode and takes low-resolution images; as a result, the car hits a pedestrian. A mundane decision to save battery thus becomes a decision to value battery life over human life: all without anyone – or any thing – ever explicitly making that choice.While we have long relied on software and automation, the prospect of a fully automated decision process charges many algorithmic decisions with a new, ethical, tension. Where do ethics (and the discipline of Ethics) belong in Artificial Intelligence? What occupies the ethicists and computer scientists working on AI today? And what are some of the approaches we might take – as engineers and as a community – to best leverage and evaluate AI developments?