Time-Based Art Festival—TBA:24

Recommended Don't Miss
Every day, through September 22
PICA Eliot (Portland)
Passes $100-500
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Last year, PICA's reimagined its iconique Time-Based Art Festival as Time-Released, a series of performance artworks scheduled in a more spread-out format. This year, the “best contemporary summer festival in the country” (according to the New York Times) will take back its original name, but has been "thoughtfully built to span three weeks, allowing audience members to be fully immersed in a wide variety of programs on weekends, with some breathing room between the busier days." I'll take it! PICA's Time-Based Art Festival is your yearly reminder to question everything—buckle in for a packed month of experimental art, temporal performances, and interactive lectures from local and far-flung artists (Kye Alive, JJJJJerome Ellis, Carla Rossi, Timothy Yanick Hunter, and others) who'll challenge your preconceived notions of art. There are always some pretty cool dance parties, too.

by Lindsay Costello

Event Location


15 NE Hancock Portland, Oregon 97212 Venue website

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