20th Annual Great Pumpkin Beer Festival

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Every day, through October 5, 4–10 pm
Seattle Center Uptown (Seattle)
$35 - $100
More from Our Halloween Guide

Though pumpkin beer is a decidedly divisive beverage, Elysian Brewing Company's annual squash-themed festival continues to draw fans,  celebrating 20 years this October. The great pumpkin in question—a gigantic gourd weighing in at several hundred pounds—is scooped out, scorched, filled with pumpkin beer, sealed, conditioned, and tapped at the event. What's more, over 80 pumpkin beers, including around 20 from Elysian, will be poured. All proceeds benefit the all-ages programming at the Vera Project.

by Julianne Bell

Event Location

Seattle Center

305 Harrison St Seattle, WA 98109 Venue website

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