Against Civilization: Six Films

Recommended Don't Miss
Every day, through October 1
The Beacon Columbia City (Seattle)
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The Beacon's latest film series is a solid way to engage in some not-so-subtle nihilism. Against Civilization's flicks emphasize a quote by anarcho-primitivist John Zerzan: “As our plight deepens, we glimpse how much must be erased for our redemption.” Whew. This weekend, the cinema will screen the '84 BBC mockumentary drama Threads, which underscored "the nightmarish consequences of nuclear war in England" with traumatizing realism. Um, enjoy, I guess! In all seriousness, though, Threads is worth a watch. It was an iconic entry into the straight-to-television film canon, penned by Barry Hines (whose work aimed to highlight working-class plight) and directed by Mick Jackson (who, plot twist, went on to direct The Bodyguard). by Lindsay Costello

This event is recommended by The Stranger, our sister site. See more of their picks here!

Event Location

The Beacon

4405 Rainier Ave S. Seattle, WA 98118 Venue website

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