Autumn Knight: M_ _ _ ER

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This event is in the past
Oct 10–13, 2019
On the Boards Uptown (Seattle)
$10 - $75
Depending on which letters you place in the blank spaces, M_ _ _ ER could spell mother, matter, or murder. All of those things are possible in this new work from Autumn Knight, an interdisciplinary artist who likes to play around with improv, visual art, and fucking with the audience. If the show is anything like Sanity TV, and it sounds a little like Sanity TV, Knight will play a variously cheeky and antagonistic talk-show host who makes certain audience members feel uncomfortable a lot, which can be fun, especially if you're not the one in the hot seat. by Rich Smith

Event Location

On the Boards

100 W Roy St Seattle, WA 98119 Venue website

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