Built to Spill, Prims Bitch

This event is in the past
March 23–24, 2020, 8 pm
The Crocodile Belltown (Seattle)
Built to Spill was the band that all my dude friends in junior high said they listened to before they started a band of their own. In that way, maybe Built to Spill are the West Coast's answer to the Velvet Underground. Okay, I'm mostly kidding about that one, but now that I'm thinking about it, 1999's Keep It Like a Secret seems to be the progenitor of so much of modern indie rock's sound, that it's almost like I've seen the band live before. But I haven't. Go and luxuriate in the sounds of flannel, beanies, and earnest angst. by Jas Keimig

Event Location

The Crocodile

2505 First Ave Seattle, WA 98121 Venue website

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