Campar-ty Tiki Night

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This event is in the past
Thurs June 6, 2019, 4–11 pm
Central Smoke Central District (Seattle)
Last spring, Eric and Sophie Banh of Ba Bar and Monsoon relaunched their Vietnamese steak house as Central Smoke, a new concept with a focus on smoked meats and smoke-infused cocktails. So naturally, as they break out the classic tiki drinks for summer as part of a partnership with Campari, they’re going to take full advantage of their custom-built 8,000-pound smoker and smoke a whole pig. They also promise the following: fires and tiki torches on the patio, slushies, boozy house-made sodas, pineapple Peychaud’s shots, ribs, frilly cocktail umbrellas of all sizes, and “an appropriate amount of drinks set on fire.” by Julianne Bell

Event Location

Central Smoke

1305 E Jefferson St Seattle, WA 98122 Venue website

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