Fennesz, Britton Powell, Mamiffer

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This event is in the past
Sun March 8, 2020, 8 pm
Columbia City Theater Rainier Valley (Seattle)
A quarter century on, Austrian guitarist/laptop musician Christian Fennesz is still creating ambient music of stoic grandeur and subliminal beauty. He debuted on record with 1995’s Instrument EP, four tracks of beatless industrial klang in the vein of early Cluster, and on subsequent early Mego releases, laced static and glitch into poignant melodies, peaking on 2001’s Endless Summer. Fennesz has spent the last two decades refining his sound into less abrasive realms while collaborating with esteemed artists such as Ryuichi Sakamoto, David Sylvian, Jim O’Rourke, and King Midas Sound. With his latest album, last year’s Agora, Fennesz has produced his most eventful work in years—ambient music of thrilling cinematic drama. Don’t miss this rare Seattle appearance by a master. by Dave Segal

Event Location

Columbia City Theater

4916 Rainier Ave S Seattle, WA 98118 Venue website

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