
Recommended Don't Miss
Every day, through October 16
Central Cinema Central District (Seattle)
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If you've been following EverOut for a while, you may have already spotted my recommendation to watch Nobuhiko Obayashi's Hausu, a hallucinogenic love letter to floating heads, cute kitties, and carnivorous pianos. Well, I'm back, people! And once again, I'm recommending—no, demanding—that you watch Hausu. The '77 psychedelic romp is one of my all-time favorites and the perfect apéritif for creepy season. When a squad of teenage girls travels to a creaky, cobwebby country manor, they discover that evil spirits have overtaken the house. (This is why I don't travel to creaky, cobwebby country manors.) Vital to the ensuing antics is the film's unsung hero: a bigass, fluffy house cat named Blanche.

by Lindsay Costello

This event is recommended by The Stranger, our sister site. See more of their picks here!

Event Location

Central Cinema

1411 21st Ave Seattle, WA 98122 Venue website

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