Mae West's The Drag: A Homosexual Comedy in Three Acts

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June 5โ€“29, 2019, Fridaysโ€“Sundays
free โ€“$24
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When The Drag first opened in 1927, a reviewer for Variety apparently called it "an inexpressibly brutal and vulgar attempt to capitalize on a dirty matter for profit." After only 10 performances, the play was shut down for "indecency." So, in honor of indecency, in honor of the vulgar, and in honor of capitalizing on dirty matters, we must all go see this historical revival about a gay man named Rolly Kingsbury coming out in much more homo-hostile times (in America, at least), and then marvel at how far we've come, and how far we've yet to go. by Rich Smith

Event Location

Gay City

517 E Pike St Seattle, Venue website

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Performance Theater Drag Pride

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