MEXAM NW Festival 2024

Recommended Don't Miss
Every day, through October 19
All Ages
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Hispanic Heritage Month runs from mid-September to mid-October, a time during which many Latin American countries celebrate their national independence days. MEXAM NW Festival is an exhilarating multi-event, multi-venue festival curated by the Consulate of Mexico in Seattle that showcases the vibrancy of Hispanic and Mexican American culture. The festival kicks off with live mural painting and celebrations in Lakewood and Auburn and concludes in mid-October with a Día de los Muertos concert. Two of the biggest events in Seattle take place on September 14 and 15, with the Fiestas Patrias Parade in South Park on Saturday and Fiestas Patrias Sea Mar at Seattle Center all weekend long. Expect tons of Latin American food, mariachi bands, folk dancing, arts and craft markets, and community joy. by Shannon Lubetich

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