One Thousand Pieces

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This event is in the past
March 13–22, 2020
McCaw Hall Uptown (Seattle)
$25 - $185
This feels like private programming. I've loved everything Pacific Northwest Ballet has ever produced by Alejandro Cerrudo, the genius Spanish choreographer behind Silent Ghost (which was the balletic equivalent of rolling around in bed on a Sunday morning) and Little mortal jump (which was the balletic equivalent of a really good indie-rock show in college). So, yeah, I'm excited to see One Thousand Pieces, which sets his flat-out gorgeous choreography to "Knee Play 5," the best piece of music Philip Glass has ever written. The double bill includes David Dawson's sharp, athletic, and aggressive Empire Noir—if you missed it in 2017, make sure you catch it this time. by Rich Smith

Event Location

McCaw Hall

321 Mercer St Seattle, WA 98109 Venue website

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