Queens of Noise Punk Festival

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This event is in the past
Sat March 7, 2020, 6 pm
$25 - $30
Alice Bag is a significant name in punk rock; she was the lead singer and cofounder of first-wave punk band the Bags, which came out of LA in the 1970s and was fronted by two women in a scene that was heavily male-dominated. She’s also a significant feminist icon who’s been a strident voice against injustice. In addition to being an educator, author (she has two books, Violence Girl: East L.A. Rage to Hollywood Stage: A Chicana Punk Story and Pipe Bomb for the Soul), and activist, she’s still churning out music speaking to current issues (see last year’s “No Gifts for Nazis”). She is appropriately headlining the Queens of Noise “female, femme, nonbinary” punk festival, which will also feature sets by nine other punk-minded lady-repped Washington-area bands spread over two stages: Ichi Bichi, Itchy Kitty, Klondike Kate, Dread on Cue, Madame Damnable, Having Issues, Post Rapture Party, the Heels, and Mallory. Proceeds benefit Peoria Home, which provides sanctuary and support for survivors of sex trafficking and prostitution. by Leilani Polk

Event Location


210 Broadway E Seattle, WA 98102 Venue website

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