Romaro Franceswa, Perry Porter

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This event is in the past
Wed Nov 27, 2019, 8 pm
The Crocodile Belltown (Seattle)
$12 - $15
On his most recent release, Ro, Federal Way rapper Romaro Franceswa speaks of both the trap house and the church. He bridges the gap between these two selves over vibey trap beats, calling out fakes on “Loose” and bringing gospel-inspired runs on “Blessings.” Franceswa will be joined by Seattle-based rapper-painter Perry Porter, whose second album, Bobby Ro$$, pulls audio clips from black painters like Kerry James Marshall and Carrie Mae Weems, and weaves them into his songs to create a vivid musical portrait of Porter’s visual inspirations. It’s dope as fuck. by Jas Keimig

Event Location

The Crocodile

2505 First Ave Seattle, WA 98121 Venue website

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