Taylor Tomlinson - Tries Out New Ideas

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Every day, through September 7, 7 pm & 9 pm
Here-After at the Crocodile Belltown (Seattle)

Age is just a number, but it can also work in your favor—just ask Taylor Tomlinson, a member of Forbes’ 2021 class of 30 Under 30. The now 30-year-old comedian began performing stand-up at 16, an era in which I was busy being distinctly unfunny. On the heels of her Netflix specials Quarter-Life Crisis and Look at You, Tomlinson will return to the stage to continue slinging jokes for the millennial-and-under set. ("I don't know if you've tried to convince a dude on a dating app to wear a condom lately," says Tomlinson, "but it's kind of like convincing a five-year-old to wear a jacket over his Halloween costume.")

by Lindsay Costello


Event Location

Here-After at the Crocodile

2505 First Ave Seattle, WA 98121 Venue website

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