Tim X Lee

Recommended Don't Miss
This event is in the past
Saturday, October 5, 5:15–8:30 pm
Rendezvous Belltown (Seattle)

Somewhere down the line, PowerPoint went from being a practical, if dull, presentation program to a catalyst for very funny house parties and on-stage nonsense. Biologist-comedian Tim X Lee is at the front of the pack as far as "creative uses of PowerPoint" go. Blending satire, science education, and the Microsoft program, his slides aim for a blend of intellectual backing and hilarity. In other words, you can get drunk at this show and tell everyone you spent the night studying.

by Lindsay Costello

This event is recommended by The Stranger, our sister site. See more of their picks here!

Event Location


2322 Second Ave Seattle, WA 98121 Venue website

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