Old Ballard Liquor Co.

4421 Shilshole Ave NW (West Woodland)
Seattle, WA 98107
(Suzi Pratt)
When I want to take out-of-towners to a restaurant that feels truly unique, I drive them to this aquavit distillery and cafe right by the Ballard ship canal, where Lexi and team offer a tasting board of locally sourced herring thatโ€™s pickled in house, and flights of their house-produced aquavit (they canโ€™t serve you more than 2 ounces, as they currently function on a distillery license). The seating area is small, little more than one counter and one handsome wooden table in the middle of the store, but this is what you wantโ€”a front-row seat to learn more about aquavit, the history of old Ballard, and the people youโ€™re sharing some delicious cardamom bread and homemade butter with. CORINA ZAPPIA

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