@1minworld with Princess

Thursday, June 6, 7 pm
Tomorrow Theater Richmond (Portland)
This is an in-person event
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

@1minworld (One Minute World) is a video song cycle that features original animations and live musical performance. The music is performed live alongside the video projection.

The first half of the performance is made up of 15 intentionally brief one-minute video songs. @1minworld‘s primary-colored bubblegum visuals contrast the songs’ content which explore the discontents of our social media age: filter bubbles, surveillance capitalism, and shortened attention spans, to name a few. The second half of the performance, by contrast, features one long meditative video song equal in length to the entire first half, creating a space for the audience to experience time in a different way.

ON STAGE: Princess
Princess (Alexis Gideon and Michael O’Neill) is a queer interdisciplinary performing arts duo that uses music as the narrative basis for their conceptual, visually dynamic video operas. Their blending of genre and medium exemplifies their ethos of fluidity; once society embraces the full gradient of Identity, the richer, healthier, and more beautiful the world will be. Their work often examines social and political issues, striving to understand what it means to be human in the frenetic and fragmented modern age, often through a self-reflective humorous lens. Princess has been part of art and music communities since 1999, from early DIY queer music scenes in Chicago to internationally renowned museums.

Event Location

Tomorrow Theater

3530 SE Division Street Portland, OR 97202 Venue website

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