Portland Brewery Dining Month

This event is in the past
Every day, through March 31, 12–8 pm
Nine Portland breweries will prove that they're not just a one-trick pony by showing off enticing food options in addition to their beer. All participating locations will offer a $35 three-course meal with an appetizer, entree, dessert, a drink (beer, house wine, or non-alcoholic beverage), and a $10 voucher for your next meal.
Participating breweries include:
•Ecliptic Brewing (Mothership location)
•Backwoods Brewing (Pearl location)
•Gigantic Brewing (Hawthorne location)
•Grand Fir Brewing
•Migration Brewing
•Old Town Brewing* (Northeast location)
•Steeplejack Brewing
•Stormbreaker Brewing (Mississippi location)
•Von Ebert Brewing (Pearl & Glendoveer locations)
(*must be ordered on multiples of 2)

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