This event is in the past
Thursday, May 16, 8–11 pm
The Fixin' To St. Johns (Portland)
This is an in-person event

The following description comes from the event organizer.

THMPR is a Portland-based experimental and improvisational music project that specializes in capturing moments of communion with the muse and instantly composing it right in front of your eyes and ears. They have shared the stage with other prominently audacious performers such as Mike Dillon and Nolatet, Sexmob, Skerik and even the great Bombino,. All the while building a devoted base for their quirky, live exploration in sound, their unique brand compels you through avant garde jazz and funk, to melodic bliss and atmospheric noise that culminate into crescendos of chaos and moments of madness until finally delivering you to your own planet of peace and tranquillity.
Ralph Huntley, Jason Carter, Count Kellam, Steve Berlin, Tom Nunes, Courtney Von Drehle and host of guests join together to bring you the most death defying improv this side of the Mississippi. 


Event Location

The Fixin' To

8218 N Lombard Portland, OR 97203 Venue website

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