All Craft Stores, Farms and Museums with Delivery, Takeout and In-Person Visits near Phinney Ridge, Georgetown, Downtown Seattle, Greenwood, South Park, SoDo and Pioneer Square
Showing locations near 98101


Each of Klesick’s produce boxes include fruit, cooking vegetables and salad items that you can customize with add-ons. If you like a theme, opt for their "asso…

Downtown Seattle

Seattle Art Museum

Seattle's largest art museum was founded in the 1930s by a collector of Asian art. Today most of the Asian collection is housed at the Asian Art Museum in Volu…
1300 First Ave
Downtown Seattle
2230 4th Avenue South

Seattle ReCreative

The recycled-material shop, an absolute must-visit for thrifty DIYers, also conducts single-day workshops on subjects like art journaling and bookmaking.
8408 Greenwood Ave N

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