All Museums near Pioneer Square, Downtown Seattle, Eastlake and Belltown

Seattle Art Museum

Seattle's largest art museum was founded in the 1930s by a collector of Asian art. Today most of the Asian collection is housed at the Asian Art Museum in Volu…
1300 First Ave
Downtown Seattle

Spooked in Seattle Museum

This museum houses some truly spooky things. From 1800s mourning attire to coffins and embalming equipment, there's no shortage of creepy artifacts. The museum…
102 Cherry St
Downtown Seattle

Holocaust Center for Humanity

The Holocaust Center for Humanity has been teaching students in the Pacific Northwest about the holocaust since 1989, and more recently opened a museum that fe…
2045 Second Ave

Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Museum

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Museum aims to educate visitors about the voyage that many took to get rich out west. This museum "offers educational pr…
319 Second Ave S
Pioneer Square
2125 First Ave

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