All Barbecue, Mexican, Hawaiian/Polynesian, Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants and General near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

The Suadero

Also known as "Taco Mondays," The Suadero is a pop-up restaurant engineered by Malafacha Tacos and located in Sitka & Spruce. The Suadero serves Mexico City-st…
1531 Melrose Ave E

Manu's Tacos

Housed cozily within Pioneer Square's Flatstick Pub, Manu's Tacos (the spin-off taco stand from Manu Alfau, who owns Capitol Hill's Manu's Bodega) is a welcome…
40 2nd Ave S
Pioneer Square

Tacos de la Noche

Capitol Hill's Bar Sue is already popular with, well, pretty much everyone, but the arrival of Tacos de la Noche will take it up a nacho...oops, a notch, sorry…
1407 14th Ave
Central District


In Hawaiian, “ono” means “delicious,” and “ma” is a prefix that means going toward, facing, or making. Ma’ono in West Seattle is the reincarnation of the marve…
4437 California Ave SW

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