All Burgers Restaurants near Madison Park, Magnolia and Interbay

Scoop Du Jour Ice Creamery

Scoop du Jour, which has a long history in the Madison Park neighborhood, serves brightly colored local sherberts and ice creams, as well as lunch fare like bu…
4029 E Madison St
Madison Park

BeachHouse Bar + Grill - Madison Park

The Madison Park cousin of Kirkland's BeachHouse. As the name implies, the menu is seafood-centric, but also features burgers and more.
1927 43rd Ave E
Madison Park

Red Mill Burgers

Justly famous for the gigantic, aromatic heaps of freshly fried bacon that await crisscrossing on the burgers at each location, family-owned Red Mill isn’t gou…
1613 W Dravus St

Highliner Pub and Grill at Fisherman's Terminal

The divey Highliner Tavern got a makeover (courtesy of neighboring Wild Salmon Seafood Market, according to Eater Seattle), and now it is this.
3909 18th Ave W
(206) 216-1254

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