All Ethiopian/Eritrean, Thai and Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants near Haller Lake

Celest Cafe

This self-proclaimed "blessed cafe" serves "high vibrational foods and beverages" and specializes in plant-based, vegan food that is also allergy-friendly. The…
1100 N 115th St
Haller Lake

Siam Bistro

This Thai restaurant in Bitter Lake serves street food-style Thai dishes, including Thai basil chicken, swimming rama, crispy pork belly, and crispy duck.
12534 Aurora Ave N
Haller Lake

Pop Pop Thai Street Food

Pop Pop feels warm and personal—almost defiantly so—in spite of its sterile surroundings, which include an L.A. Fitness, Hobby Lobby, Staples, Jimmy John’s, an…
13242 Aurora Ave N, Ste 104
Haller Lake

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