All Filipino, Mediterranean/Greek and New American Restaurants with Takeout, Delivery and Curbside Pickup near Greenwood, Phinney Ridge, White Center, Arbor Heights and West Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

Ada's Restaurant & Bar

Ada's (not to be confused with the cafe-bookstore in Capitol Hill), is an upscale neighborhood spot serving New American-style dishes near the Woodland Park Zo…
5910 Phinney Ave N
Phinney Ridge

FlintCreek Cattle Co.

Named Seattle Met's "2017 Restaurant of the Year," FlintCreek Cattle Co. does indeed serve cattle and lots of it, plus other tasty things like pastas and salad…
8421 Greenwood Ave N
10406 Holman Rd N

Endolyne Joe's

A can't-miss "Eat at Joe's" neon sign leads to you the West Seattle outpost of Chow Foods (5 Spot, Hi-Life), with the restaurant group's usual rotating regiona…
9261 45th Ave SW
West Seattle

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