All Southern, Local/Organic/Sustainable Focus and Thai Restaurants near Laurelhurst, Mount Baker, North Seattle, Beacon Hill, Hillman City, Rainier Valley and Columbia City
Showing locations near 98101


This Beacon Hill place that can contain children and also has a cocktail lounge for grown-ups. The Oak's beer comes from local breweries; its menu focuses on o…
3019 Beacon Ave S
Beacon Hill
3642 33rd Ave South
Mount Baker
3642 33rd Ave South
Mount Baker

Ezell's Famous Chicken

What might be the best fried chicken in the country, sold over-the-counter (and on wheels). Oprah has it FedExed directly to her mouth. Also: dinner rolls so g…
4436 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

La Medusa

La Medusa's authentic "Sicilian soul food," made with lots of local/seasonal ingredients, makes it an upmarket Columbia City favorite.
4857 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

The Spice Room

The Spice Room serves good Thai food in a good-looking setting in Columbia City, with good service, too—people love it, and so will you. Our friend Jill says t…
4909 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Bua 9 Thai Cuisine

Owned by the previous owner of Lotus Thai in the Central District, this Thai place serves pad kee mao, larb, roti with peanut sauce, and mango sticky rice, amo…
5020 Rainer Ave S
Columbia City

Emma's BBQ

Hillman City gets a new BBQ joint, Emma's BBQ. It has all the good-but-not-good-for-you things you expect from a BBQ place—in giant portions.
5303 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Standard Bakery

Standard Bakery's Pinehurst shop--which operates out of a walk-up window--sells all the important food groups: fresh baked pastries, bread, bagels (weekends on…
11752 15th Ave NE
North Seattle

Thai One On

People love Lake City Way's Thai One On, and if you want to make the punny name a reality, there's a mod-styled bar in back.
12343 Lake City Way NE
North Seattle

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