All Southern, Malaysian and Burgers Restaurants near Columbia City, Hillman City, Beacon Hill, Mount Baker and Rainier Valley
Showing locations near 98101


Heyday brings a much-needed family-friendly restaurant serving solid comfort food to the Mount Baker neighborhood. Owned in part by Gary Snyder (whose Geraldin…
1372 31st Ave S
Mount Baker


This Beacon Hill place that can contain children and also has a cocktail lounge for grown-ups. The Oak's beer comes from local breweries; its menu focuses on o…
3019 Beacon Ave S
Beacon Hill
3642 33rd Ave South
Mount Baker
3642 33rd Ave South
Mount Baker

Ezell's Famous Chicken

What might be the best fried chicken in the country, sold over-the-counter (and on wheels). Oprah has it FedExed directly to her mouth. Also: dinner rolls so g…
4436 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Rookies Sports Bar and Grill

Chill, family-friendly Rookies (that’s several Rookies, no apostrophe, not the possession of a person named Rookie) in Columbia City has a little of ever…

3820 S Ferdinand St
Rainier Valley

Emma's BBQ

Hillman City gets a new BBQ joint, Emma's BBQ. It has all the good-but-not-good-for-you things you expect from a BBQ place—in giant portions.
5303 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Twilight Rainier

From the team who brought you the beloved Twilight Exit, this dive bar has the same menu of burgers and a decent whiskey selection.
5609 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley
7101 Martin Luther King Jr Way S UNIT 107
Beacon Hill

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