All Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants near White Center, SoDo, South Park, Georgetown, Magnolia, West Queen Anne, Interbay and East Queen Anne
Showing locations near 98101

HeartBeet Organic Superfoods Cafe

This health-conscious cafe is known for their plant-based grain bowls, smoothies, and juices.
1635 Queen Anne Avenue North
West Queen Anne

Bounty Kitchen

Bounty Kitchen serves veggie-driven salads and grain bowls. The restaurant offers three meals a day, including weekday breakfast service starting at 7:30 a.m.
7 Boston St
East Queen Anne

Uncle Mike's Superlicious BBQ

Uncle Mike’s Superlicious BBQ is a White Center barbeque joint for “young and old, near and far” (as long as you have teeth). In the contentious realm of Seatt…
9640 16th Ave SW
White Center

Seattle Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant

This Vietnamese restaurant has a 100% vegetarian menu, with plant-based versions of dishes like pho, bún bò Huế, and hot pot.
10439 16th Ave SW
White Center

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