All locations with Covered Patio Seating & Heated Patio Seating near Madrona, Magnolia, Leschi, Montlake, Interbay, West Queen Anne and East Queen Anne


A Belltown alternative on top of Queen Anne with tons of 'tinis and an upscale new American menu. Live music is featured each night, and there's never a cover.
2125 Queen Anne Ave N
West Queen Anne


Richie-riches, businesspeople, and gourmands love this mid-century marvel of a restaurant with its amazing view of Lake Union. Chef Brady Williams balances cla…
2576 Aurora Ave N
East Queen Anne

Holy Mountain Brewing

Holy Mountain’s taproom has twelve taps (two nitro) pouring their “hop forward, barrel aged, and yeast driven ales and lagers.”
1421 Elliott Ave W

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