All Vietnamese & Middle Eastern Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near West Seattle, Downtown Seattle, Pioneer Square, White Center and Arbor Heights
Showing locations near 98101

The Halal Guys Seattle

What started out as an open-air Manhattan gyro stand in the 1990s evolved incredibly fast to become a booming company, with franchises dotting the entire world…
101 Yesler Way
Pioneer Square

i5 Pho Seattle

This Tacoma-based pho restaurant has opened a location in Seattle. Popular menu items besides pho include the banh mi dip (a banh mi sandwich with a side of br…
213 First Ave S
Pioneer Square
9629 16th Ave SW
White Center

Seattle Lotus Vegetarian Restaurant

This Vietnamese restaurant has a 100% vegetarian menu, with plant-based versions of dishes like pho, bún bò Huế, and hot pot.
10439 16th Ave SW
White Center

Phocific Standard Time

This treehouse-like upstairs bar inside Pho Bac's downtown locatoon slings craft cocktails with Viet-inspired flavors like fish sauce, pandan, and ca phe trung…

1923 7th Ave
Downtown Seattle

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