All locations with Karaoke near Crown Hill, SoDo, Georgetown, Ballard and South Park

Sunset Tavern

The Sunset used to be a Chinese restaurant, and it shows through in the red-and-lanterny décor. It's a divey rock-and-roll bar, and it's fun, with plenty of li…
5433 Ballard Ave NW

Tarasco Mexican Restaurant

Tarasco is a neighborhood joint with reportedly standard-issue Mexican food, but the friendly staff, pool tables, enthusiastic karaoke, and general lack of pre…
1452 NW 70th St

Waterwheel Lounge

The Waterwheel has wood-veneer paneling and a low ceiling; it is pleasantly dim, and the wall-to-wall carpet crawls up the sides of the central horseshoe bar. …
7034 15th Ave NW

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