All Indian, Ice Cream and German Restaurants near Downtown Seattle

Sweet Lo's

Under the brand name Sweet Lo's, Wilson makes "wacky" flavors such as Texas sheet cake, black sesame, Movie Night (it's flavored by steeping buttered popcorn i…

Downtown Seattle

Raclette Seattle

This mobile food cart serves the popular European snack of Raclette cheese, melted over an open flame, on top of potatoes with a side of salami and pickles. Ch…

Downtown Seattle


Of this farmers market stand, Dan Savage writes: "Craig and Katja make just two dishes at Tandoozy: chicken tikka masala and red lentil dhal curry. Both come w…

Downtown Seattle

Cafe Zum Zum

Opinions diverge on whether the curries at Cafe Zum Zum are greasy and inedible or silky and delicious. The naan is not like anything you’ve had before—flat an…
823 Third Ave
Downtown Seattle
1103 First Avenue
Downtown Seattle
510 Broadway Ave E
Downtown Seattle

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