Recommended locations near West Seattle, North End, Laurelhurst, North Seattle and Eastside

Buddha Ruksa

A West Seattle (and possibly citywide) obsession. People come just for the crispy garlic chicken (dubbed “crack chicken” by many)—fried chicken sautéed in plen…
3520 SW Genesee Street
West Seattle


Ephesus seduces with its Turkish food, soft folk music, gracious service, and massive, comforting wooden chairs (some made from barrels). A few plants twine ar…
5245 California Ave SW
West Seattle
7800 Aurora Ave. N
North Seattle

Endolyne Joe's

A can't-miss "Eat at Joe's" neon sign leads to you the West Seattle outpost of Chow Foods (5 Spot, Hi-Life), with the restaurant group's usual rotating regiona…
9261 45th Ave SW
West Seattle

Jebena Cafe

Jebena already leads the highly competitive race for best Ethiopian restaurant in town based solely on the merits of using the freshest ingredients, the best c…
1510 NE 117th St
North Seattle

Dick's Drive-In Restaurant

Dick’s is an old-school drive-in burger joint, open late and super cheap. The burgers are flat and, to be honest, sometimes a tiny bit gristly, and the fries a…
12325 30th Ave NE
North Seattle

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