All Bars & Restaurants with Curbside Pickup, Takeout, Heated Patio Seating, Delivery and Covered Patio Seating near Fairmount Park
2918 SW Avalon Way
Fairmount Park

The Spot West Seattle

Phil Sudore has opened a coffee and waffle spot in West Seattle
2950 Avalon Way SW
Fairmount Park

Pecos Pit Barbecue (West Seattle)

The second location of Sodo’s beloved Pecos Pit Barbecue, this one with both indoor and outdoor seating, as well as a view (on sunny days) of Mount Rainier. Th…
4400 35th Ave SW
Fairmount Park

Habit Burger Grill

This California-based fast-casual burger joint's menu includes a signature classic charburger, various sandwiches (including chicken, steak, and ahi tuna), sal…
3501 SW Avalon Way
Fairmount Park

Pot Pie Factory

This catering business owned and run by Logan Niles offers customizable scratch-made pot pies with vegetarian, Paleo, halal, and gluten-free options, made with…
4611 36th Ave SW
Fairmount Park
4611 36th Ave SW
Fairmount Park

C&P Coffee Company

South Seattle College students should flock to C&P Coffee Company. But don't get too lost in thought staring out of the sitting room's big windows: This West S…
5612 California Ave SW
Fairmount Park

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