All Vietnamese & American Restaurants near Wallingford, North End and Green Lake
2309 N 45th Street

Eight Row

Chef David Nichols, who previously worked as the executive chef at Queen Anne Beer Hall and Rider, now runs Eight Row, his debut solo venture, in the…

7102 Woodlawn Ave NE
Green Lake

Toast Mi Green Lake

This Vietnamese fast-casual joint serves up a menu of bánh mì, rice bowls, salads, and beverages like milk tea and Vietnamese coffee.

7130 Woodlawn Ave NE
Green Lake

Pho Than Brothers

Diner-style Than Brothers is devoted to pho and pho alone, and they have it down to a science—it’s cheap, hot, and reportedly good at each and every one of the…
7714 Aurora Ave N
Green Lake

Knapp’s Restaurant

This old-school neighborhood joint serves classic fare like omelettes, eggs Benedict, and sandwiches.
2707 N Proctor St
North End

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