All Middle Eastern, Spanish and American Restaurants near Pike Pine Retail Core

Nordstrom Grill

Tucked away behind the men's section suit department in the downtown Nordstrom, this restaurant offers "American classic comfort food with a modern Pacific Nor…
500 Pine St
Pike Pine Retail Core

Daniel's Broiler

This new location of the classic Northwest steakhouse on the second floor of the Hyatt Regency serves its signature USDA prime steaks and seafood to the sounds…
808 Howell Street
Pike Pine Retail Core


Andaluca's decor is generic-upscale-intimate (dark wood, low ceiling, not-too-heated flamenco music, and so forth), but fine Spanish-influenced food and remark…
407 Olive Way
Pike Pine Retail Core

The James Moore

Nestled cozily within the historic Moore Hotel, the James Moore (named after the developer tycoon himself) is an elegant spot that offers a mix of cocktails, l…
1920 2nd Ave
Pike Pine Retail Core

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