All Mexican & New American Restaurants near South Delridge, North End and Eastlake

D’ La Santa

D' La Santa is a family-owned Mexican spot beloved for its traditional food and oversized margaritas.
2359 10th Avenue East

Little Water Cantina

It’s “modern Mexican” in Eastlake, with lots of reclaimed wood, gramophone-horn lighting fixtures, a collage of vintage postcards, and a wall made of empty teq…
2865 Eastlake Ave E

Dottie's Double Wide

This funky White Center dive from the owners of Drunky Two Shoes BBQ has a vintage trailer at its entrance and serves up Tex-Mex tacos, tequila, and unique var…
9609 1/2 16th Ave SW
South Delridge

Phorale Way

The popular Asian-Tex-Mex fusion food truck Phorale is planning to open a restaurant in White Center on New Year's Day 2021. Phorale was originally a food coun…
9418 Delridge Way SW
South Delridge
1622 Roxbury St SW
South Delridge

Brewers Row

The companion restaurant to Cooks Tavern features a menu of Mexican food, beer, and espresso.
3205 N 26th St
North End

Cooks Tavern

This cozy neighborhood bar in Tacoma's Proctor District features a rotating international menu that highlights cuisine from different parts of the world.
3201 N 26th St
North End

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