All Bars near White Center, Arbor Heights and West Seattle

The Blu Grouse

Wraps and flatbread pizzas dominate the menu at this Georgetown restaurant and bar, which opened in 2012 where the Tiger Lounge used to be. The caprese wrap wi…
9839 17th Ave SW
White Center

Endolyne Joe's

A can't-miss "Eat at Joe's" neon sign leads to you the West Seattle outpost of Chow Foods (5 Spot, Hi-Life), with the restaurant group's usual rotating regiona…
9261 45th Ave SW
West Seattle

Axe Kickers

"Kick some axe" at this bar which promises the "true PNW experience" by way of competitively chucking axes, lumberjack-style.
10843 1st Ave S
White Center
4547 California Ave SW
West Seattle

Otter on the Rocks

This playfully named cocktail bar specializes in house-made infusions, Thai-inspired cocktails, and flatbreads.

4210 SW Admiral Way
West Seattle

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