
18607 Bothell Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011
"There's nothing like soaking in a giant 91-degree bathtub to beat the winter doldrums. (Bonus: No "spa spreading"!)

It's a short drive from downtown Seattle. The sprawling Anderson School compound includes a hotel, multiple restaurants and bars, a movie theater, a brewery, an event hall, and the "North Shore Lagoon"β€”a steamy, not-too-hot, indoor saltwater pool that can be enjoyed daily, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., for a mere $8 ($6 for kids under age 11, free for Bothell residents).

Unlike the McMenamins in Portland, this pool is indoors and you're not allowed to drink while you're in it (blame Washington State law). But! There is a restaurant and bar overlooking the pool. I went swimming first, but the moment I got in the pool, I wished I'd stopped by the bar first. The whole place has a tiki/Jurassic Park vibe: surf music on constant rotation, tropical ferns and plants everywhere, giant chandeliers overhead, and perpetual steam rising off the water to engulf everyone in a dreamy haze. Once you step into the warm, soothing water, you won't want to get outβ€”ever. The pool itself is quite shallow, only 4 feet 10 inches at its deepest, but you can still swim laps, or just float around aimlessly.

After you rinse off in the locker room, step outside into the crisp night air and pull up a chair to one of the fire pits, where a waiter will bring you a refreshing glass of cider and keep your fire going for you. You'll feel very much like you're in Washington in the middle of winter, and you'll be so happy." KATHLEEN RICHARDS

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