All Dessert, Indian, Burgers, Ethiopian/Eritrean/Moroccan Restaurants and Summer Patios near Portland

Pix Pâtisserie/Bar Vivant

p>At the heart of the concept is an authentic tapas bar, featuring bite-sized skewered classics like pintxos of pepper and anchovy, tapas of ham montaditos and…
2225 E Burnside St

The Sudra

It's a healthful and serviceable detour from the burgers and pizza that dangle from the fingers of every other shop owner in town. It may or may not be coincid…
28 NE 28th

Patton Maryland

Open for lunch, dinner and daily happy hour, and boasting a spacious dog-friendly patio, Patton Maryland serves a Southern-inspired menu featuring burgers, smo…
5101 N Interstate Ave
(503) 841-6176
4828 N Lombard
North Portland
(503) 206-0653

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