Brian Granse

This event is in the past
Thursday, December 15, 2022, 5:30–7:30 pm
Starday Tavern Southeast Portland (Portland)
This is an in-person event

The following description comes from the event organizer.

"This is an early evening opportunity to catch Portland singer and songwriter Brian Granse, who just released his new album "The Longwall" in September 2022. 

Glide Magazine says: “The Longwall is a lush and lonesome portrait of hardship. Largely set against a backdrop of desolate flatlands of the midwest, Granse’s songs give voice to the economically depressed, working class people of rural America to whom upward mobility is inaccessible. Melancholic chords and rich strings fill out the stories that come to life with Granse’s heartfelt voice and acoustic guitar. While the music feels deeply emotional, the presence of something larger than Granse himself looms beneath the surface.”

Australia-based Happy Mag writer Amy Davidson writes: “The captivating and impactful six-track collection [The Longwall] showcases warm acoustics, soothing vocals, poetic lyrics and enchanting melodies that will ignite your soul.”


Event Location

Starday Tavern

6517 SE Foster Portland, Oregon 97206

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