Grand Floral Parade

This event is in the past
Saturday, June 10, 2023, 10 am–12 pm
Veterans Memorial Coliseum Lloyd District (Portland)
This is an in-person event
$0 - $15
One of my hobbies is collecting 8mm home movies, and whenever I find one from a local estate sale, chances are good that the fuzzy footage will depict one of the city's Grand Floral Parades from a long-gone era. Beloved for over a century, the procession celebrates more than just flowers—it's a colorful testament to the beauty in local, regional, and international communities, with floats and "mini-floats" decked out in dazzling blooms. Also, it's just fun. Alongside the parade of floats, you'll find musicians, equestrians, marching groups, drill teams, vintage automobiles, dancers, llamas, and more. That's a lot to celebrate.
by Lindsay Costello
Reserved seating inside Veterans Memorial Coliseum is available for $15.

Event Location

Veterans Memorial Coliseum

300 Winning Way Portland, OR 97227 Venue website

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