Shakey Graves

This event is in the past
Saturday, October 9, 2021, 8 pm
Roseland Theater Old Town-Chinatown (Portland)
This is an in-person event
Sold Out
All Ages
The one-man (Alejandro Rose-Garcia) Americana act has evolved immensely since its early days. His debut album, Roll Your Bones, blew up after being released on the relatively new at the time Bandcamp, and was re-released this year for its 10th anniversary. Rose-Garcia still nods to his roots on the platform, releasing free music every year on February 9th, which was christened Shakey Graves day by his hometown mayor. He will be joined by Sierra Ferrell.
Tickets on sale Fri June 25 at 10 am.

Event Location

Roseland Theater

8 NW 6th Portland, OR 97209 Venue website

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