All Vietnamese, Pub Grub, Vegetarian/Vegan, Deli Restaurants and Summer Patios with Takeout near Portland

The Sudra

It's a healthful and serviceable detour from the burgers and pizza that dangle from the fingers of every other shop owner in town. It may or may not be coincid…
28 NE 28th

Ecliptic Brewing

This galactic-themed brewery comes from Oregon craft beer pioneer John Harris and serves a food menu of casual pub grub.

825 N Cook

Alberta Street Pub

The remodeled ASP is decidedly more attractive, modern and comfortable. The bar has 21 rotating beers (beer flights available) and offers a perky cocktail menu…
1036 NE Alberta

Bar Maven

This laidback hangout puts a Mediterranean spin on gastropub fare.

6219 SE Foster
Foster - Powell

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