Suki's Bar & Grill

2401 SW 4th Ave. (Southwest Portland)
Portland, OR 97201
Suki's represents the best of so many drinking worlds. Like the seediest juke joints in these United States, it's plopped under a low-rent, side-of-the-freeway motelβ€”in this case, a Travelodge off the 405, parking lot included. And it keeps up appearances once you get inside. The lighting is soft and muddy. The horseshoe-style bar is dressed in red formica and soft vinyl bumpers. The bar sprawls into alcoves dotted with cracked-vinyl booths. But best of all? The food's decent-looking. And so's the beer selection. Cheap tallboys vie for space with a delightful list of local microbrews. There's even some of the best karaoke in town! DENIS C. THERIAULT

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